Woman And Home
You would not believe the amount of work in creating this page. It started with finding a solution to allow magazines sized above A4 to be scanned. I ended up buying a CZUR scanner and jolly good it is too. Then I had to set it up and learn how it worked, the optimal settings, and what to do when it crashed. Then I scanned each magazine page by page. The resultant pdf was then edited extensively in Adobe Acrobat Standard before being OCR’d and optimised for size. The resultant file was then uploaded to the website and published as a flipbook. Meanwhile, I created a thumbnail for each page and then uploaded those as well. The final step involved putting this page together and fixing some weird security error warnings. The final result is a page with 21 copies of Woman and Home magazine which were published between 1959 and 1961. I hope you enjoy.
Click on the images below and they open as flipbooks.
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