Good Housekeeping Magazine Jan – June 1954
Good Housekeeping as a magazine started in America in 1885 eventually became a monthly publication in 1891.
It came to the UK in 1922 when the Hearst Corporation created the British edition.
By the 1950s, where these examples come from, it has developed into a major enterprise. The magazine often ran to over 200 pages. It has, stories, romance’s, adverts, home building information, cleaning, health advice, craft tips and cooking advice, all for the perfect housewife. It’s a great window on to domestic life in the 1950s and the positive attitude that pervaded the decade.
There are the first 6 months of 1954 below with the final six months of 1954 here.
I have also collected all of the unique colour, full page, adverts that ran in 1954 on a single page. They are here.
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